Studies to determine the chemical profile and composition of medicinal plants reveal the complexity and variety of compounds all contributing to the various uses of plants in treating numerous aliments including life-threatening diseases such as HIV-AIDS, cancer, and diabetes. There has been a major resurgence in interest in traditionally used medicinal plants with a number of international and local initiatives actively exploring the botanical resources of southern Africa with the intention to screen indigenous plants for pharmacologically active compounds. Medicinal plants are now universally recognised as the basis for a number of critical human health, social, and economic support systems and benefits. South Africa, a country with a strong history of traditional healing, hosts a variety of around 30,000 flowering plant species, accounting for almost 10% of the world’s higher plant species. Medicinal plants have been used for centuries, and numerous cultures still rely on indigenous medicinal plants for their primary health care needs. Traditional uses, scientific validation, commercialisation developments, as well as both potential opportunities and setbacks are discussed. This paper focuses on the key research and development contributions of 10 commercially important medicinal plants of South Africa. Certain renowned medicinal plants of international acclaim including buchu and rooibos are currently contributing to local enterprise however, other exciting opportunities exist for commonly used plants which have not yet reached the international arena. The opportunity for bioprospecting of plant compounds for novel pharmaceuticals remains largely untapped.
Around 80% of the South African population use traditional medicines to meet their primary health care needs however, only a few South African medicinal plants have been exploited to their full potential in terms of commercialization. This film teaches that lesson.There is a growing interest in natural plant-based remedies as a source for commercial products. We have an obligation to treat not only other human beings but all living things and even many non-living things with respect and dignity if our life is going to be a success. If you want to see how a non-racist human being behaves in a racially segregated environment then I encourage you to watch this film. He had qualities that made him an outstanding human being. What did I learn? Coach Bear Bryant like Coach Dean Smith wasn't just a coach.

Who are the most important football players? They are both the offense and defense linesmen. I took up said activities just to prove my college degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science did prepare me to be an excellent analyst. Did I exit out of watching the documentary? Well, now that I correctly picked all of the game winners of the top 25 college football teams at the start of the 2019 football season with many correct spreds of said games I continued to watch it. Seeing Joe Namath at such a young age in black and white where now I see him hawking some Medicare supplement in color at the end of the 2020 year during the COVID-19 Pandemic was quite a contrast. The first half of the documentary was mostly black and white which gave it a gritty realism. Imagine my surprise to find that Coach Bear Bryant's boss was George Wallace, the governor of Alabama. I went to no football games at the second university. With most of my forty yard dash times in the 4.6 second range and only one 4.4 seconds (sheer luck)? You gotta be kidding! On my way to getting three college degrees I went to a grand total of three football games because of the wangling of others at the first university.

The coach expected me to be a running back. You see, I never played high school football. So I took advantage of it thinking I would probably cancel out of it.
The movie was about to end but it gave me the option to start it over again with on demand. It showed that I had to watch it now or maybe never because there were no oher times listed. Imagine my surprise to find it was about the Alabama Crimson Tide Football team and its Coach Bear Bryant. I did a Info looking for another time to watch it and see what it was about. I was looking for a good movie to record in the middle of the night and saw just the tail end of "Against The Tide" showing on one of the ShowTime channels. Reviewed by henryhertzhobbit 9 /10 A gem of a history documentary